Kantamanto in Pictures


Pictures were taken by AFAG (Alliance for Accountable Governance)

Calm has been restored after a stand off between the Kantamanto Traders and Ghana Police.  Sunday May 5, 2013 marked the day Kantamanto Market bellowed in smoke. Two days later it is evident that there is a clear distrust between the traders of Kanatamanto Market and Government represented by The Accra Metropolitan Assembly (AMA). Traders fervently guard what once was their market stalls in fear of it being redistributed unfairly  to Government officials and their cronies should the AMA’s plan to rebuild a modern market materialise.

Police were forced to shoot rubber bullets and teargas into the crowds on the scene during the past two days as desperate traders tried to guard the remains of their stalls.

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Kantamanto is on Fire


Kantamanto is the largest second hand market in Ghana. In the west you’d compare Kantamanto to one gigantic thrift store with second hand wares from all over the world.

During my university days I recall galavanting along the streets of melville and greenside (South Africa) in search of great vintage clothing. The only reason I’ve only been to this market twice during my two and a half years in Ghana is the very reason you’re watching this video. The place is congested  very difficult to walk through and its even more of a nightmare to maneuver  through when it rains, there  are no safety exits and it’s very crowded.

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